Fire Escape Services Network

Expert says Rotted Boston Fire Escapes are ‘Landmines’

Here’s a short snippet of the Fire Escape Collapse story in Boston, where an expert remarked that these rotted Boston fire escapes are ‘Landmines Ready to Explode’…

We asked a fire escape expert to take a look, and he said this could be just the tip of the iceberg.

It was just before midnight on Sunday when some of the gratings on a fire escape on the back of 47 Hemenway Street gave way.

Several people were on it. Two of them were hurt when they crashed to the ground.

“I see there’s a missing bracket, a single bracket that used to be tied into the rail, and it gave way. I believe that’s why pieces of the grating gave way,” said Cisco Meneses, the founder of the National Fire Escape Association.


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